
What Is Hp Touchpoint Analytics Client Service

HP Alleged Spyware Just Routine Program, Visitor Confirms

Don't believe the hype. This week, a number of tech news sites have reported that HP laptops contain a mysterious 'spyware' programme which tracks user behavior. However, as we found in our research and HP executives confirmed, the app in question, does nothing more than collect anonymous operation information which you must opt in to share with the company.

"We absolutely take privacy super seriously," said HP VP of Client Experience Mike Nash.

All HP laptops recently received an update which installs HP Touchpoint Analytics, a utility which runs in the background and collects system data. Notwithstanding, Nash explained, that the program is not new and just has a new name. A programme with a unlike proper name simply same part has been aircraft on HP laptops every bit part of the Support Assistant software without controversy since 2014, he said.

If you have an HP laptop with Touchpoint analytics running and open the Windows services command panel, you'll encounter that it has the following description: "Harvests telemetry information that is used by HP Touchpoint's analytical services."

Nash said that the information that Touchpoint Analytics collects is limited to information on how the hardware performs. Unless y'all've specifically opted to share diagnostic information with HP (something you can choose during device setup), the log files are only stored on your local drive. If y'all phone call HP tech support with a performance problem, the company can, with your permission, admission the logs to see what's been going on.

If y'all do choose to share the data with HP, Nash said, the visitor volition employ the anonymous data to aid it place bug on a line of laptops. For example, if company sees that a lot of people with a item model are suffering from poor performance, information technology may issue a driver update. Big businesses can too choose to share the information with HP then they can see how their fleet is performing.

Nosotros looked on four HP notebooks we've recently tested and found the new app on only one, the xiii-inch Spectre x360 with an eighth Gen Core CPU. We and so located the place where HP Touchpoint Analytics Client stores its logged information, in directory C:\ProgramData\HP\HP Touchpoint Analytics Customer. There appears to be several dissimilar log files there. In the /Logs folder, in that location are a couple of .txt files which show the programme'due south attempts to find hardware information such every bit the condition of the RAM and storage deejay, but not the information itself.

In several other folders, including the Provider Data\SystemStateMonitor\ folder, we found a series of CSV files, with one recorded for each minute of laptop use. The information in these files is extremely limited; each 1 contains just four columns: two with a series of numbers and ii with TRUE / Fake values. These patently refer to performance in some way, only nosotros couldn't tell merely from looking at them.

There's also a folder called Transfer Interface, which appears to log every time that Touchpoint Analytics sends data back to HP. However, on our machine, the log files were empty, indicating that no data had been sent dorsum to the company.

In addition to their concerns about privacy, some users worry that Touchpoint Analytics Client is eating up too many system resources. Over on the HP support site, a user named PurplePassion22 claims that the software is making their computer work harder.

However, we checked in Windows x'southward Task Manager on our Spectre x360, and it revealed that HP Touchpoint Analytics Client used a measly 24 MB of RAM, while zip burden was placed on CPU and network.

Nash said that the program undergoes intensive performance testing to make sure that it doesn't have a negative impact on the user feel. However, he said that, the programme does download updates when it detects that the arrangement is idle so, at that point, users may meet it using more resources in the task manager.

In response to the controversy, HP besides released the post-obit argument:

"HP Touchpoint Analytics is a service we have offered since 2014 equally part of HP Support Assistant. It anonymously collects diagnostic information about hardware performance. No data is shared with HP unless access is expressly granted. Customers tin can opt-out or uninstall the service at whatever time.

HP Touchpoint Analytics was recently updated and there were no changes to privacy settings as part of this update. We have client privacy very seriously and human activity in accord with a strict policy, available here."

Removing Touchpoint Analytics Client

If you make up one's mind you don't desire Touchpoint Analytics on your organisation, removing the app is extremely piece of cake. Only head over to the apps screen in Windows ten settings, locate Touchpoint Analytics Customer and click the uninstall button.

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