
How To Demand Payment For Services Rendered

So, after a lot of focus, dedication, and productive work, yous've finished and delivered some other project.

You did your part of the bargain and finished the projection inside the deadline, so now you look the same kind of accurateness when it comes to your customer'south part of the deal — paying for a task done.

Simply what if your customer forgets to pay?

Even worse, what if you don't hear from them once yous deliver the project?

At offset, yous'll hold expert organized religion that your payment will become processed soon. Just, the longer you lot wait, the harder it volition be to take action and get what you deserve.

In situations like these, it's essential that you take things into your own hands and enquire for payment direct.

To help you with that, we'll devote this blog mail service to:

  • Showing y'all how to enquire for payment without being rude,
  • Explaining why it's important to have a backup plan, and
  • Providing y'all with some useful strategies, tips, and templates that volition assistance yous get paid on time.

Let's begin!

How to ask for payment - cover

Why is talking virtually money such a taboo?

Co-ordinate to Insider's Principal your Money Pulse Poll, most Americans aren't comfortable discussing coin:

  • Almost 47% of people aged eighteen to 34 regularly talk about money.
  • Also, 38% of 35-to-54-twelvemonth-olds regularly discuss money.
  • Only 25% of people aged 55 to 74 hash out money regularly.

From my experience, a lot of working people likewise find talking about payment a taboo even though it'southward a completely logical adjacent step after a task is washed.

In support of my view, Kathy Carpino, a career and leadership omnibus, writer, speaker, and educator, believes that asking for coin raises too many insecurities and doubts. In an article dealing with this topic, she explained:

"We're scared to look money in the face, and to put ourselves out there, formally stating where we stand in a value equation. And we're unsure of our worthiness."

Based on experience with her clients, Carpion concluded that asking for coin from clients or customers can affect our views of value, bear upon, and "appeal." It also appears to be a huge turn-off — nosotros frequently fright nosotros will scare our clients off with our straightforwardness.

Shame, dubiety, and insecurity are at the root of this money challenge, concludes Carpino.

How to overcome the fright of request for payment?

Admitting she used to struggle with asking for payment, Carpino offers a way for overcoming our shame, doubt, and insecurities.

When the fourth dimension comes to ask for the money we earned past the due appointment, nosotros often ask ourselves:

  • Am I good enough?
  • How valuable is my offer?
  • Will there be enough people to pay for my services?
  • Will these people come back after this project?
  • Do these people find my work worthwhile?
  • How practise I fare against the competition?
  • Did I provide people with peachy results?

And, while these questions are a good way to identify mistakes and become meliorate at your chore, yous should be able to wait beyond them.

Believing that your piece of work is worthwhile is the all-time you can do for yourself, Carpino suggests.

You did your share of work, then y'all shouldn't experience bad for asking what you lot're entitled to.

Being crystal articulate about what you provide to your clients and customers volition aid y'all speak up and ask for coin easier when the fourth dimension comes.

Finally, remaining professional and polite in your payment requests is always the best way to get. You shouldn't throw a tantrum at the client about their overdue invoices — be directly, precise, and persistent instead.

Hopefully, you lot're more than enlightened of the psychology behind asking for money and will be able to remember information technology the next time you're about to transport out an e-mail reminder to a client.

This leads me to my next point — when is the best time to e-mail your client?

When to send a payment request email to a client?

When thinking nearly how to ask for payment for services rendered, the first question you lot'll likely have is – when to ask for payment?

The truth is that you shouldn't wait too long. A good way to avoid late payments is to send a number of shorter emails earlier and after the payment due date:

  • Payment reminder email #i — A week before the payment due date.
  • Payment reminder e-mail #2 — The day of the payment due date.
  • Payment reminder e-mail #iii — A calendar week after the payment due date.
  • Payment reminder e-mail #4 — Ii weeks later on the payment due date.
  • Payment reminder email #v — I calendar month subsequently the payment due date.

If you lot send your invoice emails in such regular intervals, you'll remain polite and patient, but also show your clients that you are professional person about your invoices and matters of payment.

Moreover, you'll present yourself as someone who values their piece of work, prompting the client to value information technology equally well.

To help you remain as professional person equally possible, nosotros've made 5 different payment request email templates you tin can use for gratuitous.

Payment request email templates

We know how uncomfortable it can be to inquire for money from clients, particularly if you're never sure how polite or how rude you might sound in your email.

Here's how you tin phrase each individual requesting payment email you transport to your client. Nosotros accept 5 different payment asking email templates for y'all to download and use.

✔️ Payment request email template #1 — A week before the payment due engagement

For the first email 1 week before the payment due appointment, you should continue your tone:

  • Friendly,
  • Short, and
  • Informative.

Why write it like this?

You lot don't need to enquire for payment directly in the get-go invoice electronic mail — you just need to brand sure your customer is well aware of your payment terms and basic information beforehand.

By sending an invoice electronic mail before the payment date, yous ensure the customer has plenty time to get together and organize payment documentation.

Also, y'all'll position yourself as a professional who regularly tracks invoices and sends reminder emails if the customer doesn't pay on time.

Take a look at an instance of the payment asking electronic mail yous can send to your client:

Payment reminder 1
An example of the payment asking email template one week before the payment due date

→ Download Payment Asking E-mail Template #1

✔️ Payment request e-mail template #two — The day of the payment due date

When the 24-hour interval of the payment comes and you nevertheless oasis't been paid, you accept to act on it. Information technology's best to do that with another payment request email reminder.

You should make sure to write this one while remaining:

  • Friendly,
  • Concise, and
  • Clear in your call to activeness.

Why write it like this?

Since this is only another polite email reminder, you should maintain a completely friendly tone with your client —  the bill isn't overdue even so.

The most effective choice is to make this email clear and curtailed — with a direct phone call to make the payment in order to meet today'southward payment deadline.

Here's how yous tin can write this payment request email reminder:

Payment reminder 2
An example of the payment asking email template on the day of the payment due date

→ Download Payment Asking Email Template #2

✔️ Payment request e-mail template #3 — A week after the payment due date

A whole week has passed and your client still hasn't paid you. It's fourth dimension for another payment request electronic mail reminder. When writing this one, you should:

  • Be more informative,
  • Utilize a firmer tone,
  • Emphasize the time the invoice is overdue, and
  • Include a copy of the invoice in the attachment.

Why write information technology similar this?

This is your offset electronic mail about the invoice being overdue — so, you lot'll need to maintain a firmer tone and include a straightforward CTA.

You should besides make sure to echo the bones invoice information, such as:

  • The invoice number,
  • The engagement it was sent to the customer, and
  • The full amount due.

You're nonetheless giving your client the benefit of the doubt, so brand sure yous too include a copy of the invoice itself in the attachment — perhaps you'll find the zipper was faulty, and the client did not receive the invoice.

This payment electronic mail reminder can sound something like this:

Payment reminder 3
An case of the payment request email template a week after the payment due engagement

→ Download Payment Asking E-mail Template #3

✔️ Payment asking email template #iv — Two weeks afterwards the payment due date

It's now two weeks past the payment due engagement and you lot're probably getting broken-hearted. Think that remaining professional and calm is necessary even at this point.

So, how do you write this payment email reminder? Consider the following:

  • Be every bit directly as possible,
  • Come up with a clear CTA,
  • Ask the client to confirm they received the invoice email,
  • Emphasize the time the invoice is overdue, and
  • Include a copy of the invoice in the zipper.

Why write information technology similar this?

As your 2d straight reminder email telling the client their payment is overdue, you lot'll need to be fifty-fifty firmer and more than direct. A clear call to action and asking the client to confirm they received the invoice e-mail volition lessen the chances that the client volition ignore the e-mail.

Although the benefit of the doubt is mostly gone by at present, sending another attachment of the invoice will serve equally another reminder to your client — regardless of their reason for not replying.

This is what a skilful payment email reminder looks like:

Payment reminder 4
An example of the payment request electronic mail template 2 weeks after the payment due date

→ Download Payment Request Email Template #4

✔️ Payment asking email template #5 — I calendar month after the payment due date

Earlier you know information technology, it'south already one month later on the payment due engagement. You should plan for another payment request email reminder and brand sure to:

  • Be direct and firm,
  • Use a tougher approach,
  • Remain professional and polite, and
  • Avoid making things personal.

Why write it like this?

Considering that you've already sent a couple of invoice emails that have been completely ignored, you should take a firmer and tougher approach with this requesting payment alphabetic character. Of class, remaining as professional person and polite as possible should still exist your tiptop priority.

Avoid turning to threats and direct accusations —  y'all'll take chances seeming unprofessional and tarnishing your reputation. Moreover, yous'll exist less likely to get paid.

A skilful way to transport this last payment email reminder would exist something like this:

Payment reminder 5
An instance of the payment request electronic mail template one month after the payment due date

→ Download Payment Asking Electronic mail Template #5

How not to ask for payment from clients

Non being paid on time is something that tin can truly throw you off your track. But, it remains essential that you lot don't permit emotions overwhelm you and continue sending professional and polite reminders to your clients.

To help you avoid mistakes when sending our payment request e-mail reminders, we'd like to testify yous a few bad examples. Hither'south what you lot shouldn't practise when asking for payment from your clients.

❌ Don't send a vague payment request e-mail reminder

You lot sent a payment request reminder to your client before the due engagement and wrote the following:

How to not ask example 1

What's incorrect with this e-mail?

  • The subject line is vague.
  • There'southward no precise invoice or payment information.
  • The sender didn't include the actual due engagement.
  • The approach and the language are too breezy.
  • There's too much irrelevant information for the client.

❌ Don't send an overly personal payment request electronic mail reminder

Your client didn't pay y'all even though you agreed on a deadline. You've decided to write them an email reminder one-time subsequently the due appointment. Y'all write something similar this.

How to not ask example 2

What'southward wrong with this email?

  • The subject line isn't clear enough.
  • It's likewise long, indirect, and indecisive.
  • Information technology's too informal and personal.
  • It doesn't identify the possible consequences of the tardily payment.
  • There's likewise much beating around the bush.
  • At that place's no clear call to action.

❌ Don't ship a threatening payment request email reminder

It's been a month since you finished that projection and still no money? You're so aroused you lot can't even retrieve straight. Y'all send out the following email:

How to not ask example 3

What'southward incorrect with this email?

  • Information technology's overly emotional and demanding.
  • It'due south threatening and totally unprofessional.
  • The threats are likely to testify ineffective or even counterproductive.

So, nosotros've seen what you lot should and shouldn't do when asking for payment via e-mail.

But, in some cases, asking for payment via email won't be a viable option for you.


Well, because it won't get you a reply.

Since you still have to get paid, you can effort to contact your client over the telephone. You tin can cull between calling them or texting them — depending on the situation or your preferences.

Request for payment over the phone

Sometimes, despite all your all-time emailing efforts, you lot all the same won't get paid, or receive any kind of response.

In cases when you don't get a answer and start to lose patience, there are ii things you can do:

  1. Telephone call the client straight.
  2. Send your client a text message.

Hither's how yous tin finally set up your records direct.

📞 Calling your client to ask for payment

When talking to the customer over the phone, you should brand sure to:

  • Introduce yourself and explain why yous're calling.
  • Be articulate, curtailed, polite, and short.
  • Don't use slang words and expressions.
  • Don't make direct accusations nigh the client not paying you.
  • Maintain an impersonal and polite tone that gives your client the do good of the incertitude.
  • Summarize all details agreed upon earlier the conversation ends.

If in incertitude almost what to say to your client, you can open up in the following way:

How to start a conversation with a client over the phone
How to start a chat with a client over the phone

No matter how the chat continues from there, you're likely to get some answers to your questions. Yous may detect that:

  • The electronic mail address you lot've been sending invoice emails to is wrong and that all your carefully crafted emails ended upward in an inbox abyss.
  • You've been sending your invoice emails to the wrong person altogether, specially if y'all're doing business with a larger visitor.

Any the reason may exist, you'll be more than probable to learn nearly it if you talk with your customer over the telephone.

Yous'll too be able to polish out the details for finalizing that payment in a more brisk manner than you'd be able to via electronic mail — probably because yous won't have to look long for the answer.

💬 Texting your client to ask for payment

If you're really out of luck, your client may not answer the phone. The reasons for this tin be unlike:

  • They're trying to stay present and focused during an important meeting, so they've put their telephone on silent.
  • Maybe they don't take your phone number memorized and don't like answering phone calls from unknown numbers.
  • Maybe talking over the phone makes them experience uncomfortable and they prefer to avoid it.

In any case, if you lot already have your client's number, you should text them. This might plough out the fastest and easiest way to go far touch.

You can transport something like this:

How to start a conversation with a client via text message
How to start a conversation with a client via text message

When you choose to transport a text bulletin, you'll give your client more fourth dimension to set up and respond. Moreover, you'll brand a client who doesn't like to talk over the telephone feel more at ease.

Chances are, once the customer understands who you are, you'll receive a phone call from them or a message indicating when it would be a good fourth dimension to call up.

Additional tips and strategies for getting paid on fourth dimension

If you've already had an unpleasant experience with some of your clients or if you're still unsure that a client you're working with volition pay you, taking steps in advance might be the smartest way to become.

Making precautions seems like a meliorate tactic than chasing afterwards your clients after you've finished and delivered the project.

Here are a few additional tips and strategies to assistance yous become paid on time.

Provide the client with precise records of your work

Getting paid on fourth dimension can be a lot easier if y'all always have precise and transparent records of your work. This style, you can e'er prove that:

  • Y'all did the piece of work that y'all claim you did.
  • You did the work at the time you merits you did.
  • You lot did the work for the person you merits yous did.

Your best option for achieving total transparency and accountability with your clients, equally well as building a better, more trustworthy relationship with them, is to utilise a timer tracker such as Clockify.

With information technology, both freelancers and independent consultants tin:

  • Track time on their client-related and projection-related work.
  • Have the earnings for the work they tracked automatically calculated, based on the hourly rates set directly within the app.
  • Generate, save, and consign reports they can then ship to the client.
  • Have a detailed view of their billable hours.
Thanks to Clockify's detailed report feature, you can easily provide your client with concrete proof of your work
Thanks to Clockify's detailed report characteristic, y'all can easily provide your client with physical proof of your work

In addition to these features, Clockify also provides you with a free fourth dimension clock app that will brand clocking in and clocking out as effective every bit possible. Moreover, Clockify Server is a cocky-hosted time tracking software that will ensure maximum security and privacy in case you really need it.

If you choose Clockify to go on track of your projects and tasks, you will most definitely minimize the chances of not beingness paid on fourth dimension. You'll too minimize the chances of not being paid at all.

An example of a detailed report generated in Clockify
An example of a detailed report generated in Clockify

Download a Detailed Report Sample

Draw a contract

Sometimes, information technology's best to simply put your rights and obligations on newspaper.

To do this successfully, a legally binding contract may be a good fashion to avert not being paid in the end. You might not have considered information technology the most crucial element in your work, only it may assistance tip the scales in your favor.

When drawing a contract, you should make certain you lot include the following elements:

  • The parties involved in the contract.
  • The precise project commitment and payment terms.
  • A passage clarifying the matter of intellectual holding upon project completion.
  • A passage stating your work is your intellectual property until full payment is made.
  • A passage well-nigh a penalty fee in case the original payment appointment is overdue.
  • A passage clarifying what should exist done in case of a dispute.

Even if the contract even so cannot guarantee the clients will pay yous, it may still encourage them non to hesitate too long with their payments.

Finally, you tin also consult a legal entity about what elements y'all should include in your contract to maintain professionality. This volition also provide you with the necessary proof of everything you agreed upon with your client in case you have to turn to the law.

Ask for an advance deposit

Asking for an advance is another cracking way for you to ensure getting paid in one case you finish the projection. You can even include this in your contract and let your clients know this is the style y'all do your business.

In essence, clients who are willing to pay function of the agreed amount in accelerate are the ones who are taking this unabridged collaboration seriously. They volition exist the nigh likely to pay you in full at the end of the project, as well.

Those who pout upon this section in your contract or downright turn down to sign information technology volition probably bail on paying once you've completed the project. And then, it's best that you don't even collaborate with them in the long run — it will relieve you lot both fourth dimension and money.

Nonetheless, if you recall that a hefty advance eolith would plow abroad first-time clients who may be wary of your work, y'all can provide them with an culling. You lot can enquire them to pay you lot smaller amounts of money when you lot reach sure project milestones.

Pick a reliable payment processor

To make the entire process of payment easier for both sides, information technology's important that you discover a suitable and reliable payment processor. It has to be:

  • Efficient — So you can utilize it without complications,
  • Simple — And so your client can use it easily, and
  • Secure — So both your and your customer'southward data is protected.

For example, PayPal is an efficient, standard choice, just at that place are also other useful payment processors you can try out.

However, you should brand your pick based on factors relevant to you lot and your clients:

  • Your customer'southward convenience,
  • The region you lot live in, and
  • Your own preferences.

Invoice efficiently

A professional person-looking invoice will increment the chances of you lot getting paid. The great thing is that the market place is packed total of invoicing tools y'all can use for this purpose.

Invoicing tools (or tools with invoicing features) help you organize and keep in order your due payments and invoices.

Moreover, most of these tools also send reminders to you when the invoice is overdue. This ways that yous won't have to worry about missing a payment because you were disorganized or because you simply forgot to send an invoice.

In summary: Asking for payment can exist washed politely and effectively

For many of us, request for coin isn't a walk in the park. Merely we also know information technology's something that has to be washed.

Of course, always existence in the know and taking all the right steps is ideal — but that won't be the case every single time.

That's why you have to be prepared for whatever scenario and know what to practise side by side in case some of your previous efforts proved futile.

But, be careful — being prepared for whatsoever scenario doesn't mean y'all should immediately attack your client if they don't pay you on time.

Information technology means that yous know:

  • What steps to accept if a customer doesn't pay when they should.
  • How to talk to your client but remain straight, professional, and polite.
  • What tools to use to remind your clients of the awaiting payment (email templates and text letters).
  • How to achieve your goal without losing clients in the process.

✉️ Exercise yous struggle with asking for payment professionally? What tips and tricks accept y'all tried that work to your advantage in situations like this one? If in that location's something that nosotros haven't mentioned here just yous think could help others exist more successful in existence paid on time, let us know at We might include your answer in this or future posts.

How To Demand Payment For Services Rendered,


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