
How To Clear Activity On Tiktok

Every one time in a while it is a good idea to restart and refresh. Maybe y'all desire to rebrand yourself and the videos y'all take aren't cutting information technology. Maybe y'all split with your TikTok partner and want it all down, merely you don't want to modify your business relationship name. This tutorial volition testify you how to delete all of your videos without removing your account.

TikTok is ane of the most popular social networks around right now with over 150 million daily users and millions of downloads. Ever since it took over from, it went from strength to strength, growing massively and reaching millions across the world. It began as a lip-syncing app, and that is still a major part of it, but information technology has evolved into something more.

TikTok can be a fantastic creative outlet, but there may be times when you need to leave it behind or want to wipe the slate clean and brainstorm once again. Every bit easy every bit reinvention is on social media, it's also easy within TikTok. You tin either delete all your TikTok posts and begin again or wipe your account and start all over.

Delete All Your TikTok posts

Even though the platform doesn't want you to delete videos, it does brand it easy to do so. The good thing is that it takes just three taps to delete a video.

The downside is that you lot cannot bulk delete them so if you take dozens, or hundreds, of videos you lot're going to exist in that location a while!

To delete a TikTok mail service:

  1. Open up TikTok and select 'Business relationship.'
  2. Select TikTok Gallery and scroll to the video y'all want to delete.
  3. Select the three-dot menu icon and tap Delete (on iOS information technology'southward an arrow).
  4. Repeat steps 1-three for every video you take on TikTok.

This process is irreversible so one time yous tap delete at that place is no going back. You're going to have to practise this for every video yous accept uploaded, only in one case washed the videos are gone for good!

There is no style to delete videos from your account in majority without a third-party app. If yous are interested in mass video deletion you can search for a TikTok managing app, only there are non currently any available.

How to Delete All TikTok Drafts

Whether yous're a prominent creator or merely getting started, TikTok lets y'all salvage videos to upload later. But, what do yous do when your video roll is full of drafts that you will never publish?

Fortunately, there is a workaround to delete all of your TikTok drafts without having to delete annihilation.

To delete all TikTok drafts merely uninstall the application and reinstall information technology or clear the cache from your phone's Settings. This will permanently delete all of your drafts from your account so be careful. If there's 1 or two you want to salvage, you'll demand to do that starting time.

How to Delete a TikTok Account

If you really desire to just delete all of your photos but there are as well many to delete individually and you're non that attached to your account, or if you're after a totally clean slate, deleting your TikTok business relationship is the way to go. You will lose all the content yous uploaded and any Followers you might have, but the scope for reinvention is limitless with a make new account.

To delete a TikTok business relationship:

  1. Open up TikTok and select 'Account.'
  2. Select the iii-dot bill of fare icon in the tiptop right of the screen.
  3. Select 'Manage account.'
  4. Select 'Telephone Number' and add your number.
  5. Expect for a vi digit code to exist sent via SMS and enter that into your TikTok app.
  6. At present, tap 'Delete account.'
  7. You will exist asked if you lot will go on on account deletion, confirm by tapping Proceed.
  8. Enter the lawmaking into the app and select Delete account.
  9. Select Delete to confirm business relationship deletion.

In most cases, you have xxx days to recover your account and all of its content (yes, your videos will come up dorsum too, we thought of that as a workaround already). After 30 days it is non possible to recover your TikTok account.

Starting TikTok Fresh

In one case you take deleted your old account, y'all can set up a new one and beginning over. You can be who you want to be, try something brand new, leave sometime troubles behind, and overall just take a new start. There are many reasons why y'all might want to leave an old TikTok account behind simply either manner hither is how to create a new TikTok business relationship from scratch.

There was a menstruation of time where hundreds of people were locked out of their accounts and needed resets. If you left your response time too long your account was deactivated. The following steps will work for you as well.

  1. Open the TikTok app on your device.
  2. Enter your birthday at the prompt.
  3. Select 'Sign up with Phone Number or Email' and choose one.
  4. Enter your details then tap Side by side.
  5. Complete the puzzle or Captcha to prove you're human.
  6. Select a countersign and then tap Next.
  7. Select a username then tap Sign upward.

Once complete, your new TikTok account should be live. From here yous tin begin finding people to follow, make new friends, start uploading, and practice all those things that make TikTok such a absurd identify to hang out and spend time.

Deleting all your TikTok videos or your entire account isn't for the faint-hearted. It ways all your difficult work disappears never to exist seen again. Information technology's a large movement but could be just what you need to make a fresh start. Good luck with it!

Frequently Asked Questions

Although TikTok's interface is really simple to use, you lot may have more questions well-nigh posting and deleting videos. We've included the answers to your about ofttimes asked questions in this department.

Can I delete all of my TikTok videos at in one case?

Unfortunately, TikTok does not offer the option to delete all of your videos at one time. There is no mass-select option within the application. Of course, we believe that where there is a volition, at that place is a way.

Many users accept stated that using ES File Explorer will allow you to mass delete your TikTok videos but, because it is no longer downloadable from the Google Play Store or the App Store information technology'due south not entirely practical unless you take thousands of videos. Also, this seems to simply delete the files from your device and not your TikTok account.

Is in that location a mode to recover deleted TikTok videos?

The official give-and-take is that once yous delete a video from TikTok it is gone forever. Y'all may have the option to recover it if you lot've saved it to your phone.

There is also an ample amount of apps and websites that promise to recover your deleted videos, many of these don't work while others are scams simply trying to gain admission to your account. If you do choose to use a third-political party video recovery tool beware of the dangers and read the reviews.

Tin I majority delete drafts?

Although TikTok doesn't take a bulk delete option for Drafts, in that location is a quick and like shooting fish in a barrel way to become rid of all of them for both Android and iOS users. By clearing the app'south cache you tin become rid of all the Drafts saved to your TikTok account. Unfortunately, this won't work once you've posted the videos.

To pull this off, go to the Settings on your telephone. Android users will demand to tap on 'Apps' and so 'TikTok' and finally 'Articulate Cache.' Apple users can scroll down to TikTok and click 'Offload App.' Your login credentials volition be saved forth with your other account information and posted videos, but the Drafts will disappear (permanently).


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