
Like many people, condign a firefighter had always been a dream of mine.

Mark is one of the UK'due south merely firefighters living with epilepsy.

I was diagnosed with epilepsy at 17 years old, after suffering my first seizure whilst getting ready in the early hours of the forenoon for my first "lads" holiday. At the time I knew aught near the condition, merely after many tests and appointments with doctors and neurologists, I was painted a very nighttime movie. The neurologist spoke near me never drinking, never going to nightclubs, and never being in the forces; it was all doom and gloom. Every bit someone who was just finishing schoolhouse, meeting girls and doing all the things teenage lads practise, I thought my life was over.

I feel very lucky to exist doing my dream task as a firefighter despite living with epilepsy. Although no exceptions or excuses have been made considering of my condition, I too know I have a very strong and supportive crew around me. In just the viii months since joining, I've achieved more than I ever idea I would. I've worked through modules such as a Water Start Responder form and a National Institute of Fire Engineering exam, equally well every bit training sessions and emergency calls for many unlike types of incidents. As far as nosotros are aware, I'm the first person in Derbyshire, and probably the UK, to get a firefighter with epilepsy. Many people said information technology couldn't be washed and that it wasn't possible, simply I have proved them wrong and hopefully opened the door for others.

The neurologist spoke near me never drinking, never going to nightclubs, and never be in the forces; it was all doom and gloom. As someone who was simply finishing schoolhouse, meeting girls and doing all the things teenage lads practise, I thought my life was over.

Sometimes people forget that I have epilepsy just because I've been seizure-free for many years – I all the same take medication every day and there are obstacles and risk assessments that demand to exist overcome. I have been contacted past several people since first talking about epilepsy and the fire service and, although I can merely speak about my own experiences, my communication would certainly be to make enquiries and run across what is possible.

My love for the outdoors was the hobby that initially helped me come to terms with my epilepsy. Being in the mountains, the hills, the countryside and woodland was a massive function of what got me through the first few years of being diagnosed. I always came dorsum from the outdoors feeling re-energised and more than positive about my life and my future. I'm currently taking on the Peak District Trig Point Bagger Challenge, which involves hiking to every trig point – a total of 88 pillars on elevation of each incline in the Peak Commune. I'll be wearing my Epilepsy Research UK t-shirt to equally many of the trig points equally possible to promote epilepsy sensation.

Sometimes people forget that I have epilepsy simply because I've been seizure-complimentary for many years – I still take medication every mean solar day and there are obstacles and risk assessments that need to exist overcome.

I always try to think positively and not let epilepsy automatically become a barrier or a negative label before fighting for what may be possible. Always attempt to set yourselves goals no affair how large or small – achieving goals make you lot grow as a person and gives yous the confidence to ready other goals that may be bigger and amend than you ever dreamed.

The biggest matter I wish people understood is that not all people with epilepsy are photosensitive. It seems to be the biggest and most mutual mistake people make.

– Marking, March 2021

You tin can follow Mark's journeying on Instagram @wilderness_robbo

Through the incredible efforts of our supporters over the last twelve months, we are delighted that Epilepsy Enquiry UK was able to brand over £1.3 million available for our 2021 grant awards.

We've said information technology before and we'll say it again – none of the enquiry we fund would be possible without the generosity and delivery of our supporters. Here are some of their incredible stories.

Do something astonishing today and make a donation to Epilepsy Research U.k.. Your coin will go towards driving and enabling life changing, life saving research projects which help people with epilepsy.


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